With Futurehome Thermostat, you can personalise its operation according to your preferences. The thermostat modes offer you the choice of an overall state for the device, such as heat, home, eco away, sleep, or auto. You can also make further customisations to the device using the advanced settings.
Thermostat modes
Note: these are the thermostat’s own modes, different from the Futurehome ones.
- heat - recommended, follows your commands, modes, shortcuts and automations
- home - sets the temp to default 22°C, editable in advanced settings
- eco away - sets the temp to default 15°C, editable in advanced settings
- sleep - sets the temp to 18°C
- auto - a built-in weekly program, not recommended for most people, use heat mode instead
To change the thermostat mode:
- Open the Futurehome app → go to settings
→ devices → select Futurehome Thermostat.
- Select a chosen mode.
Advanced settings
- Open the menu:
Hold (+) and (-) together for 5 seconds. In the menu, the numbers displayed on the top represent each setting. - Edit the setting:
Press (...) → change the value of the setting with (+) and (-) → save with the power button ⏻.
Setting number Setting name Available values Default value 1. Sensor type 0: internal room sensor
1: floor sensor
2: max guard*
0 2. Floor sensor type 0: 10 kOhm (supplied)
1: 12kOhm
2: 15kOhm
3: 47kOhm
0 3. Max guard temperature 20-95°C
--: No limit
27°C 4. Hysteresis 1-9°C 2°C 5. Calibration -9 to +9°C 0°C 6. Highest set point 35-90°C 35°C 7. Lowest set point 0-30°C 5°C 8. Home mode set point** 22°C 9. Away mode set point 15°C 10. Display’s brightness in sleep mode 1-10 1 11. Open window detection 0 - disabled
1 - enabled
1 12. Restart thermostat Select == and wait 5 seconds = 13. Factory reset Select == and wait 5 seconds = On the newer updated thermostats, you also have the following settings:
Device type
0 - Regulator
1 - Thermostat
Regulator period
15 min
30 min
45 min
60 min
90 min
30 min
0 - Close
1 - Open
1 - Open
Sleep mode temperature
*Max guard regulates based on air temperature, but has a maximum limit on the floor sensor. It is suitable, for example, for wooden floors.
**Home mode is a mode on the thermostat, not in the app, and must not be mixed.
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