
  • Updated


Integrating your heating devices and temperature sensors from Futurehome into the Tibber system allows for control through Tibber's smart control and app. To integrate, you must be listed as the household owner in Futurehome. For more information on user groups, see the article about users in the app.

Login and Setup

  1. Download:
    Open the Tibber app → Power-ups → Futurehome X → Connect.
  2. Log in:
    Enter email and password → select household → accept → Confirm with "OK".


Sensor Selection

Some heating devices have more than one temperature sensor. Tibber only supports one sensor per device and therefore needs to know which one to use. This is defined in Futurehome.

  1. Open the Futurehome app → settings settings.svg → devices → select the heating device.
  2. Inside the device → select the channel with the temperature sensor you want to use → setup.svg settings → "Select as main temp sensor" → save.
    For more information, see this article about channels

Group_2460.svg  Group_2461.svg
Group_2462.svg  Group_2463.svg

Removing Integration

  1. Open the Tibber app → Power-ups → Futurehome X → Disconnect → Confirm disconnection.

The devices should now be removed from the Tibber app.   

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