The integration allows you to control your Defa eRange IQ.
- Go to settings → playground → DEFA → download .
- Tap the three dots → enter phone number with country code. For example, 4743212345. → save.
- Tap the three dots → enter the code from the SMS → save.
The device(s) should appear in the device list.
Note that the integration only supports the eRange IQ charger.
- Total energy consumption in the current charging session
- Estimated charging current
- Start and stop charging
- Monitor the state of the charging station
Note that not all electric vehicles charge the same way, for example, some may not support resuming charging after it has been paused.
Login and setup
- Download:
Go to settings → playground → DEFA and click on the download button .
- Login:
- Tap the button with three dots → enter the phone number you use in the DEFA app → save.
Note: Here, you must add the country code before the number. In the UK, it is 44, followed by the number. For example, 4443212345. - You will receive an SMS → tap the button with three dots → enter the code → save.
- Tap the button with three dots → enter the phone number you use in the DEFA app → save.
- Select the device and place in the room:
- Tap the three dots again → select your charging station → save.
- Go to settings → devices → scroll down to the bottom to find the devices. Open the device → tap on settings → place in a room → save.
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