Tibber Pulse

  • Updated


The Tibber Pulse integration allows you to connect your Tibber Pulse device to Futurehome, and monitor the energy consumption in your home through the Futurehome app.

The adapter supports:

  • Real time monitoring and historical energy consumption reported from your Tibber Pulse device
  • If you have more than one Tibber Pulse, you can choose which one you want to include.

Group_1601__2_.svg   tibb2.svg


To install the adapter you need to be in the Futurehome app, and follow these steps:

  1. Go to settings settings.svg → playground → Tibber Pulse and click the install button.
  2. Click the button with three dots → login.
  3. Enter your Tibber username and password, and authenticate Futurehome.
  4. If you have more than one Tibber Pulse i.e. one at home and one at the cabin, you need to click on advanced setup and choose which Tibber Pulse you want to include to Futurehome, and click "save".

If you successfully logged in, your Tibber Pulse device will be included to Futurehome. Set it as type "meter" and "main_elec", assign it to a room and it is ready to go.


Known Issue: Some AMS devices has issues producing enough energy to keep the device going at all times. We recommend using a usb-adapter to a power source to make the device as stable as possible.

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