Creating scenes

  • Updated
This is the article about scenes.
Learn about automations here.


A scene is a set of actions triggered by a physical switch. For example, pressing a switch in the hallway → activates away mode.


  1. Open the app → go to settings settings.svg → automations → + automation → scene scenes.svg.
  2. Select the device. If it is not on the list, check that it is included and placed in a room.
  3. When the app asks for the scene ID → press the physical button you want to configure. The ID will appear in this field.
  4. Select the mode the scene will function in. The scene will not be triggered in the modes which are not selected. Then press next step.
  5. Select what to trigger, either mode or device → choose what should happen → next step → save. Shortcuts are found under modes.
  6. Test if it works.

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