Spot price automations

  • Updated
This is the article about spot price automations.
Learn about automations here.


Based on hourly rates directly from Nord Pool we calculate the day's average price. You can trigger action based on the percentage above or below the daily average price.

Creating an automation

  1. Go to settings settings.svg → automation → + automation → select energy.

priceauto1.svg   priceauto2.svg

  1. Select which zone you are in or enter your zip code.
  2. Choose what percentage above or below the average daily price you want an automation to be triggered.
    Example: You can set an automation to be triggered when the current price is 5% higher than the daily average price. If the daily average price is 1 NOK, the automation will run when the current price exceeds 1.05 NOK.
  3. Select modes in which the automation should happen.

priceauto3.svg   priceauto4.svg

  1. Choose which devices should perform an action when triggered.
  2. Choose what action should be performed.
  3. Tap + to set the reverse action to happen when the conditions are no longer met.

priceauto6.svg   priceauto7.svg

If we look at the prices in Oslo on 10th of June 2022, the automation will trigger like this:


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