Futurehome 16A Relay troubleshoot

  • Updated

I can't pair the relay.

  1. Check that the relay has power. The button should light/flash blue.
  2. Press the button on the relay. It should click and indicate that the relay is turning on and off.
  3. Check the distance between the Smarthub and the relay. Is there a lot of building mass between them, is the distance more than 7-10 meters? Try to move the Smarthub closer to the relay.
  4. Reset the relay. Turn off the power, reconnect it, and hold the button down for 5 seconds.
  5. Check other Zigbee devices. If no other devices respond, it is reasonable to assume that the problem is with the Smarthub.
  6. Contact support.


The relay has stopped responding

  1. Try to turn on the relay via the app.
  2. Try to turn on the relay with the button on the device.
  • Does it turn on? The problem is communication between the Smarthub and the relay.
  • Doesn't turn on? Check that the relay has power. If it has power - replace the relay.
  1. If the problem is communication between the Smarthub and the relay, test other devices on the Zigbee.
  • If other devices respond - check the signals (article).
  • If no Zigbee devices respond - call support.



The relay turns off again right away?

  • This happens if you have activated the Power Manager and the electricity price is considered high. Turn off Power Manager and try the relay again. This can be found on the front of the app → Energy → lightning bolt on the top right.

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