Smarthub Offline troubleshooting
We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with the connection of your Futurehome Smarthub. Below are four steps to help troubleshoot the issue and establish a more stable connection for the future. For the best experience, please check all four possible problems and solutions.
Problem 1: Power
Description: There might be something wrong with the power supply to the Smarthub.
Solution: Make sure the LED on the top of the Smarthub glows. If there is no light at all that means the Smarthub is not receiving any power, and you need to check that the power cable is firmly connected to the Smarthub and wall outlet.
Problem 2: Internet connection
Description: Your internet might be down momentarily causing the Smarthub to be unable to communicate with the cloud and your mobile application.
Solution: Please check that you have access to the internet on another device on your WiFi, once the internet connection is back, please restart your Smarthub by unplugging the power, wait 10 seconds and then plug the power back in.
Problem 3: DNS server settings
Description: Some internet service providers (ISP) use their own DNS servers which at times might be less stable or slower than more established DNS servers such as Google or CloudFlare DNS. This can cause the Smarthub to lose connection due to slow response time.
Solution: Change the DNS settings on your router to Google or CloudFlare DNS. Follow the steps below to do this. After Changing the DNS server settings, please restart your Smarthub by unplugging the power, wait 10 seconds and then plug the power back in.
Changing DNS settings
1. Log in to you router
Often done by being connected to your local WiFi and entering or in your browser. Some internet providers such as Telenor also offer this service over internet from anywhere.
For exact information of how to log in to your router, visit your internet providers website and search for “router log in”
2. Locate the routers DNS and DNS IPv6 settings
3. Change the DNS server settings from the default to Google DNS or CloudFlare DNS
Google DNS
Google IPv6 DNS
Primary: 2001:4860:4860::8888
Secondary: 2001:4860:4860::8844
CloudFlare DNS
CloudFlare IPv6 DNS
Primary: 2606:4700:4700::1111
Secondary: 2606:4700:4700::1001
Problem 4: Out of date Smarthub software
Description: Your Smarthub might be running on older software, which could have issues that have been fixed in newer versions.
Solution: Try to keep your Smarthub up to date on software updates by going to settings > household > smarthub settings > software update and updating on a regular basis. This is of course not accessible if the Smarthub is offline, but it will help with stability over time.
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