
  • Updated


Futurehome's fire alarm service will do everything it can to limit the damage and assist with evacuation when the fire occurs.

In the event of a fire, the system:

  • notifies you about the fire
  • turns off all appliances
  • turns on all lighting
  • activates sirens
  • keeps the water faucet open (even with water on the floor)
  • shows you in which rooms smoke has been detected in the app
  • displays all important events in the app

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Activation/deactivation of the fire alarm service

We recommend having the fire alarm service activated.

  1. Go to settings settings.svg → alarm.
  2. Activate/deactivate the service.

Important: Deactivating the fire service will also disable the serial connection between wireless fire alarms.

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  1. Go to settings settings.svg → alarm.
  2. Tap “What should happen in the event of a fire?” to customise how the devices will act when the fire is detected.
  3. Tap “What should happen after fire?” to customise how the devices should act after the incident.

After making any changes we recommend testing the service.


Testing the service

  1. Go to settings settings.svg → alarm → "Test local fire alarm".
  2. Scroll down and tap on the “test alarm” button.

What you selected “should happen in the event of fire”, will now be triggered.


False alarm

In the event of a false alarm, tap the "cancel alarm” button to turn off the sirens and shut down the alarm.

If you have Futurehome's SDCO smoke detector, you can deactivate it for five minutes by pressing the button on the front of the detector. If it detects smoke, heat or CO after 5 minutes, it will trigger again.

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