Futurehome Charge - Override

  • Updated

The Futurehome service Power Manager optimises your charging based on the spot prices and the grid tariffs. Since energy prices vary so much from day to day, your car might not have charged when you needed it, due to a relatively high price.

To ensure that your car has the energy required for your usage, we made the override function.

How it works

When Power Manager pauses a charging session, due to high spot price, you have the option to override it. Given that you have enabled notifications, you will receive a notification about the pause. If you click it, you will be directed to the charger in the app and have the option to override.
You do so by pressing the “play” button on your charger in the app. 

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This will resume the charging session and the override will last until the session is stopped by something else; e.g. energy threshold limit or completed session.

Note that the charger can still pause if it approaches the energy threshold limit.

Permanent “override”

If you want a more permanent “override”, you can disable the spot price optimisation on the charger by the following steps:

  1. On the dashboard, click “Energy”.

  2. Click “Optimisation” in the upper right.

  3. Click on “Energy price area” and deactivate the charger.

This way the charger will not optimise on spot price, but still be available for Power Manager to keep you below your set energy threshold limit.

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