Futurehome Charge - Smart Charging Schedule

  • Updated

The Futurehome service Power Manager optimises your charging based on the spot prices and the grid tariffs. Since energy prices vary so much from day to day, your car might not have charged when you needed it, due to a relatively high price.

To ensure that your car has the energy required for your usage, we made the Smart Charging Schedule.

The schedule is active every day and the calculations of which hours to charge happen the moment you plug in your car.
E.g. You have set departure time to 7AM and a minimum of 4 hours charging. When you come home from work at 5PM and plug in your car, it will calculate which hours are cheap between 5PM and 7AM the next morning and charge at least the 4 cheapest hours in that timespan. 


To set up a schedule, click on the "Ev charging tile" → then click on the charger.
The first time you use the app, with a charger connected, you will see a banner on the dashboard.

  1. Click on “Create a schedule”.
    Group 1601.svg      Group 1602.svg

  2. Activate it, set your departure time and the minimum hours guaranteed charging.
    Group 1603.svg

  3. Save and verify.
    Group 1604.svg

How does it work?

The Smart Charging Schedule works by providing the car at least the number of guaranteed hours before your departure.

Power Manager is splitting the day roughly in half; expensive hours and cheap hours.

  • If you have set a minimum of 5 hours of charging and Power Manager calculates that you have 7 cheap hours from when you plug in your car, to departure time, it will charge 7 hours.

  • If Power Manager only got 3 “cheap” hours in that timespan, it will charge those 3 hours plus the 2 next cheapest ones, to a total of 5 hours.

  • If you plug in the car 4 hours before departure, it will charge those 4 hours until departure time, but also the 5th hour if you do not unplug the car at departure time. 

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