Philips Hue Bridge

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The Hue adapter allows you to connect your Hue Bridge to the Futurehome Smarthub and control you Hue devices from the Futurehome app.

Supported functionality:

  • Lights
  • Remotes
  • Motion sensor


To install the adapter you need to be in the Futurehome app, and follow these steps:

1. Go to settings settings.svg → playground → Philips Hue Bridge adapter and click the install button.

2. Go to the button with three dots

3. Click on "discover hue bridge"

hue1_f.svg   hue2_f.svg

Your Hue bridge should then appear with bridge id. If you have multiple bridges, please select the right one. (We do not support multiple bridge integration).


4. Press the physical button on your bridge.

5. Click “Save” in the app.

If successfully connected, all you Hue devices should appear in your device list. (Settings settings.svg → devices).


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