Easee - New update available

  • Updated

On the 4th of December, a new release of the Easee adapter was launched. This should be automatically updated on the Smarthubs that have Easee installed from before.

You might need to log in again after download, to do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Enter settings settings.svg → Playground → click on Easee.
    2.jpg         3.jpg

  2. Click the three dots advanced.svg → "log in" → enter your credentials*. 
    4.jpg        5.jpg

* Check the Easee app to find your username. This can be your email or phone number, with or without the country code. 

Please make sure that the status of the app is as follows in playground when you are done:

Please also make sure that your device has the right function and is placed in a room. 
Settings → devices → Easee device → settings.

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